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Amesto er medlem av UN Global Compact


Communication on Progress 2021


Amesto er medlem af UN Global Compact.

Amesto har været medlem af FNs Global Compact siden 2012. Som medlemsvirksomhed er vi forpligtet til at udarbejde og indsende en årlig statusrapport, "Communication on Progress - CoP".

UN Global Compacts 10 principper giver retningslinjer for, hvordan virksomheden sikrer ansvarlige operationer inden for menneskerettigheder, arbejdsliv, antikorruption og miljø. Du kan læse mere om fremskridt i vores strategiske projekter i årsrapporten (2020) nedenfor.


To be truthful to yourself in everything is hard.

This was the discussion that triggered Amestos’ brand campaign throughout 2021; “Honestly, are you making good choices?"

Can we, as a business, go out of our way to say that our goal is to become climate neutral or climate positive, when, by definition, existing as a business or as an individual generates negative carbon footprints? 

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